
<summary> The IDWritePixelSnapping interface defines the pixel snapping properties of a text renderer. </summary>



HRESULT GetCurrentTransform(void* clientDrawingContext, DWRITE_MATRIX* transform)

<summary> Gets the current transform that maps abstract coordinates to DIPs, which may disable pixel snapping upon any rotation or shear. </summary> <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param> <param name="transform">Receives the transform.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT GetPixelsPerDip(void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT* pixelsPerDip)

<summary> Gets the number of physical pixels per DIP. A DIP (device-independent pixel) is 1/96 inch, so the pixelsPerDip value is the number of logical pixels per inch divided by 96 (yielding a value of 1 for 96 DPI and 1.25 for 120). </summary> <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param> <param name="pixelsPerDip">Receives the number of physical pixels per DIP.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT IsPixelSnappingDisabled(void* clientDrawingContext, BOOL* isDisabled)

<summary> Determines whether pixel snapping is disabled. The recommended default is FALSE, unless doing animation that requires subpixel vertical placement. </summary> <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param> <param name="isDisabled">Receives TRUE if pixel snapping is disabled or FALSE if it not.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>
