
<summary> Represents a collection of strings indexed by locale name. </summary>



HRESULT FindLocaleName(const(WCHAR)* localeName, UINT32* index, BOOL* exists)

<summary> Gets the index of the item with the specified locale name. </summary> <param name="localeName">Locale name to look for.</param> <param name="index">Receives the zero-based index of the locale name/string pair.</param> <param name="exists">Receives TRUE if the locale name exists or FALSE if not.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. If the specified locale name does not exist, the return value is S_OK, but *index is UINT_MAX and *exists is FALSE. </returns>

UINT32 GetCount()

<summary> Gets the number of language/string pairs. </summary>

HRESULT GetLocaleName(UINT32 index, WCHAR* localeName, UINT32 size)

<summary> Copies the locale name with the specified index to the specified array. </summary> <param name="index">Zero-based index of the locale name.</param> <param name="localeName">Character array that receives the locale name.</param> <param name="size">Size of the array in characters. The size must include space for the terminating null character.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT GetLocaleNameLength(UINT32 index, UINT32* length)

<summary> Gets the length in characters (not including the null terminator) of the locale name with the specified index. </summary> <param name="index">Zero-based index of the locale name.</param> <param name="length">Receives the length in characters, not including the null terminator.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT GetString(UINT32 index, WCHAR* stringBuffer, UINT32 size)

<summary> Copies the string with the specified index to the specified array. </summary> <param name="index">Zero-based index of the string.</param> <param name="stringBuffer">Character array that receives the string.</param> <param name="size">Size of the array in characters. The size must include space for the terminating null character.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT GetStringLength(UINT32 index, UINT32* length)

<summary> Gets the length in characters (not including the null terminator) of the string with the specified index. </summary> <param name="index">Zero-based index of the string.</param> <param name="length">Receives the length in characters, not including the null terminator.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>
