
<summary> Interface that encapsulates information used to render a glyph run. </summary>



HRESULT CreateAlphaTexture(DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE textureType, const(RECT)* textureBounds, BYTE* alphaValues, UINT32 bufferSize)

<summary> Creates an alpha texture of the specified type. </summary> <param name="textureType">Specifies the type of texture requested. If a bi-level texture is requested, the texture contains only bi-level glyphs. Otherwise, the texture contains only anti-aliased glyphs.</param> <param name="textureBounds">Specifies the bounding rectangle of the texture, which can be different than the bounding rectangle returned by GetAlphaTextureBounds.</param> <param name="alphaValues">Receives the array of alpha values.</param> <param name="bufferSize">Size of the alphaValues array. The minimum size depends on the dimensions of the rectangle and the type of texture requested.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

HRESULT GetAlphaBlendParams(IDWriteRenderingParams renderingParams, FLOAT* blendGamma, FLOAT* blendEnhancedContrast, FLOAT* blendClearTypeLevel)

<summary> Gets properties required for ClearType blending. </summary> <param name="renderingParams">Rendering parameters object. In most cases, the values returned in the output parameters are based on the properties of this object. The exception is if a GDI-compatible rendering mode is specified.</param> <param name="blendGamma">Receives the gamma value to use for gamma correction.</param> <param name="blendEnhancedContrast">Receives the enhanced contrast value.</param> <param name="blendClearTypeLevel">Receives the ClearType level.</param>

HRESULT GetAlphaTextureBounds(DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE textureType, RECT* textureBounds)

<summary> Gets the bounding rectangle of the physical pixels affected by the glyph run. </summary> <param name="textureType">Specifies the type of texture requested. If a bi-level texture is requested, the bounding rectangle includes only bi-level glyphs. Otherwise, the bounding rectangle includes only anti-aliased glyphs.</param> <param name="textureBounds">Receives the bounding rectangle, or an empty rectangle if there are no glyphs if the specified type.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>
