Translates a glyph run to a sequence of color glyph runs, which can be
rendered to produce a color representation of the original "base" run.
<param name="baselineOriginX">Horizontal origin of the base glyph run in
pre-transform coordinates.</param>
<param name="baselineOriginY">Vertical origin of the base glyph run in
pre-transform coordinates.</param>
<param name="glyphRun">Pointer to the original "base" glyph run.</param>
<param name="glyphRunDescription">Optional glyph run description.</param>
<param name="measuringMode">Measuring mode, needed to compute the origins
of each glyph.</param>
<param name="worldToDeviceTransform">Matrix converting from the client's
coordinate space to device coordinates (pixels), i.e., the world transform
multiplied by any DPI scaling.</param>
<param name="colorPaletteIndex">Zero-based index of the color palette to use.
Valid indices are less than the number of palettes in the font, as returned
by IDWriteFontFace2::GetColorPaletteCount.</param>
<param name="colorLayers">If the function succeeds, receives a pointer
to an enumerator object that can be used to obtain the color glyph runs.
If the base run has no color glyphs, then the output pointer is NULL
and the method returns DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR.</param>
Returns DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR if the font has no color information, the base
glyph run does not contain any color glyphs, or the specified color palette
index is out of range. In this case, the client should render the base glyph
run. Otherwise, returns a standard HRESULT error code.
<summary> Translates a glyph run to a sequence of color glyph runs, which can be rendered to produce a color representation of the original "base" run. </summary> <param name="baselineOriginX">Horizontal origin of the base glyph run in pre-transform coordinates.</param> <param name="baselineOriginY">Vertical origin of the base glyph run in pre-transform coordinates.</param> <param name="glyphRun">Pointer to the original "base" glyph run.</param> <param name="glyphRunDescription">Optional glyph run description.</param> <param name="measuringMode">Measuring mode, needed to compute the origins of each glyph.</param> <param name="worldToDeviceTransform">Matrix converting from the client's coordinate space to device coordinates (pixels), i.e., the world transform multiplied by any DPI scaling.</param> <param name="colorPaletteIndex">Zero-based index of the color palette to use. Valid indices are less than the number of palettes in the font, as returned by IDWriteFontFace2::GetColorPaletteCount.</param> <param name="colorLayers">If the function succeeds, receives a pointer to an enumerator object that can be used to obtain the color glyph runs. If the base run has no color glyphs, then the output pointer is NULL and the method returns DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR.</param> <returns> Returns DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR if the font has no color information, the base glyph run does not contain any color glyphs, or the specified color palette index is out of range. In this case, the client should render the base glyph run. Otherwise, returns a standard HRESULT error code. </returns>