
<summary> Enumerator for an ordered collection of color glyph runs. </summary>



HRESULT GetCurrentRun(const(DWRITE_COLOR_GLYPH_RUN*)* colorGlyphRun)

<summary> Gets the current color glyph run. </summary> <param name="colorGlyphRun">Receives a pointer to the color glyph run. The pointer remains valid until the next call to MoveNext or until the interface is released.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. An error is returned if there is no current glyph run, i.e., if MoveNext has not yet been called or if the end of the sequence has been reached. </returns>

HRESULT MoveNext(BOOL* hasRun)

<summary> Advances to the first or next color run. The runs are enumerated in order from back to front. </summary> <param name="hasRun">Receives TRUE if there is a current run or FALSE if the end of the sequence has been reached.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>
