
<summary> IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this application callback when it needs to draw an inline object. </summary> <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param> <param name="originX">X-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param> <param name="originY">Y-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param> <param name="inlineObject">The object set using IDWriteTextLayout::SetInlineObject.</param> <param name="isSideways">The object should be drawn on its side.</param> <param name="isRightToLeft">The object is in an right-to-left context and should be drawn flipped.</param> <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns> <remarks> The right-to-left flag is a hint for those cases where it would look strange for the image to be shown normally (like an arrow pointing to right to indicate a submenu). </remarks>

interface IDWriteTextRenderer
extern (Windows)
