Value | Meaning |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_NONE | <summary> Unspecified name ID. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE | <summary> Copyright notice provided by the font. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_VERSION_STRINGS | <summary> String containing a version number. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_TRADEMARK | <summary> Trademark information provided by the font. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_MANUFACTURER | <summary> Name of the font manufacturer. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESIGNER | <summary> Name of the font designer. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESIGNER_URL | <summary> URL of font designer (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://). </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_DESCRIPTION | <summary> Description of the font. Can contain revision information, usage recommendations, history, features, etc. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_FONT_VENDOR_URL | <summary> URL of font vendor (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://). If a unique serial number is embedded in the URL, it can be used to register the font. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_LICENSE_DESCRIPTION | <summary> Description of how the font may be legally used, or different example scenarios for licensed use. This field should be written in plain language, not legalese. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_LICENSE_INFO_URL | <summary> URL where additional licensing information can be found. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_WIN32_FAMILY_NAMES | <summary> GDI-compatible family name. Because GDI allows a maximum of four fonts per family, fonts in the same family may have different GDI-compatible family names (e.g., "Arial", "Arial Narrow", "Arial Black"). </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_WIN32_SUBFAMILY_NAMES | <summary> GDI-compatible subfamily name. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_PREFERRED_FAMILY_NAMES | <summary> Family name preferred by the designer. This enables font designers to group more than four fonts in a single family without losing compatibility with GDI. This name is typically only present if it differs from the GDI-compatible family name. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_PREFERRED_SUBFAMILY_NAMES | <summary> Subfamily name preferred by the designer. This name is typically only present if it differs from the GDI-compatible subfamily name. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_SAMPLE_TEXT | <summary> Sample text. This can be the font name or any other text that the designer thinks is the best example to display the font in. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_FULL_NAME | <summary> The full name of the font, e.g. "Arial Bold", from name id 4 in the name table. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_POSTSCRIPT_NAME | <summary> The postscript name of the font, e.g. "GillSans-Bold" from name id 6 in the name table. </summary> |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_POSTSCRIPT_CID_NAME | <summary> The postscript CID findfont name, from name id 20 in the name table. </summary> |