Reads color values from the font's color palette.
<param name="colorPaletteIndex">Zero-based index of the color palette. If the
font does not have a palette with the specified index, the method returns
<param name="firstEntryIndex">Zero-based index of the first palette entry
to read.</param>
<param name="entryCount">Number of palette entries to read.</param>
<param name="paletteEntries">Array that receives the color values.<param>
Standard HRESULT error code.
The return value is E_INVALIDARG if firstEntryIndex + entryCount is greater
than the actual number of palette entries as returned by GetPaletteEntryCount.
The return value is DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR if the font does not have a palette
with the specified palette index.
<summary> Reads color values from the font's color palette. </summary> <param name="colorPaletteIndex">Zero-based index of the color palette. If the font does not have a palette with the specified index, the method returns DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR.<param> <param name="firstEntryIndex">Zero-based index of the first palette entry to read.</param> <param name="entryCount">Number of palette entries to read.</param> <param name="paletteEntries">Array that receives the color values.<param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. The return value is E_INVALIDARG if firstEntryIndex + entryCount is greater than the actual number of palette entries as returned by GetPaletteEntryCount. The return value is DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR if the font does not have a palette with the specified palette index. </returns>