
<summary> Retrieves the given baseline from the font. </summary> <param name="fontFace">The font face to read.</param> <param name="baseline">The baseline of interest.</param> <param name="isVertical">Whether the baseline is vertical or horizontal.</param> <param name="isSimulationAllowed">Simulate the baseline if it is missing in the font.</param> <param name="scriptAnalysis">Script analysis result from AnalyzeScript.</param> <param name="localeName">The language of the run.</param> <param name="baselineCoordinate">The baseline coordinate value in design units.</param> <param name="exists">Whether the returned baseline exists in the font.</param> <remarks> If the baseline does not exist in the font, it is not considered an error, but the function will return exists = false. You may then use heuristics to calculate the missing base, or, if the flag simulationAllowed is true, the function will compute a reasonable approximation for you. </remarks> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. </returns>

interface IDWriteTextAnalyzer1
extern (Windows)
