
<summary> The text analyzer calls back to this to get the desired glyph orientation and resolved bidi level, which it uses along with the script properties of the text to determine the actual orientation of each character, which it reports back to the client via the sink SetGlyphOrientation method. </summary> <param name="textPosition">First position of the piece to obtain. All positions are in UTF-16 code-units, not whole characters, which matters when supplementary characters are used.</param> <param name="textLength">Number of UTF-16 units of the retrieved chunk. The returned length is not the length of the block, but the length remaining in the block, from the given position until its end. So querying for a position that is 75 positions into a 100 postition block would return 25.</param> <param name="glyphOrientation">The type of glyph orientation the client wants for this range, up to the returned text length.</param> <param name="bidiLevel">The bidi level for this range up to the returned text length, which comes from an earlier bidirectional analysis.</param> <returns> Standard HRESULT error code. Returning an error will abort the analysis. </returns>

interface IDWriteTextAnalysisSource1
extern (Windows)
