- CheckDeviceState
HRESULT CheckDeviceState(BOOL* pfValid)
Returns the states of the app's DX device and DWM's dx devices
- Commit
HRESULT Commit()
Commits all DirectComposition commands pending on this device.
- CraeteSurface
HRESULT CraeteSurface(UINT width, UINT height, DXGI_FORMAT pixelFormat, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode, IDCompositionSurface* surface)
Creates a DirectComposition surface object
- CreateAnimation
HRESULT CreateAnimation(IDCompositionAnimation animation)
Creates an animation object
- CreateEffectrGroup
HRESULT CreateEffectrGroup(IDCompositionEffectGroup* effectGroup)
- CreateMatrixTransform
HRESULT CreateMatrixTransform(IDCompositionMatrixTransform* matrixTransform)
Creates a 2D 3x2 matrix transform object.
- CreateMatrixTransform3D
HRESULT CreateMatrixTransform3D(IDCompositionMatrixTransform3D* matrixTransform3D)
Creates a 3D 4x4 matrix transform object.
- CreateRectangleClip
HRESULT CreateRectangleClip(IDCompositionRectangleClip* clip)
Creates a clip object that can be used to clip the contents of a visual subtree.
- CreateRotateTransform
HRESULT CreateRotateTransform(IDCompositionRotateTransform* rotateTransform)
Creates a 2D rotation transform object.
- CreateRotateTransform3D
HRESULT CreateRotateTransform3D(IDCompositionRotateTransform3D* rotateTransform3D)
Creates a 3D rotation transform object.
- CreateScaleTransform
HRESULT CreateScaleTransform(IDCompositionScaleTransform* scaleTransform)
Creates a 2D scale transform object.
- CreateScaleTransform3D
HRESULT CreateScaleTransform3D(IDCompositionScaleTransform3D* scaleTransform3D)
Creates a 3D scale transform object.
- CreateSkewTransform
HRESULT CreateSkewTransform(IDCompositionSkewTransform* skewTransform)
Creates a 2D skew transform object.
- CreateSurfaceForHandle
HRESULT CreateSurfaceForHandle(HANDLE handle, IUnknown* surface)
Creates a surface wrapper around a pre-existing surface that can be associated with one or more visuals for composition.
- CreateSurfaceForHwnd
HRESULT CreateSurfaceForHwnd(HWND hwnd, IUnknown* surface)
Creates a wrapper object that represents the rasterization of a layered window and which can be associated with a visual for composition.
- CreateTargetForHwnd
HRESULT CreateTargetForHwnd(HWND hwnd, BOOL topmost, IDCompositionTarget* target)
Creates a composition target bound to a window represented by an HWND.
- CreateTransform3DGroup
HRESULT CreateTransform3DGroup(IDCompositionTransform3D* transform3D, UINT elements, IDCompositionTransform3D* transform3DGroup)
Creates a 3D transform object that holds an array of 3D transform objects.
- CreateTransformGroup
HRESULT CreateTransformGroup(IDCompositionTransform* transforms, UINT elements, IDCompositionTransform* transformGroup)
Creates a 2D transform object that holds an array of 2D transform objects.
- CreateTranslateTransform
HRESULT CreateTranslateTransform(IDCompositionTranslateTransform* translateTransform)
Creates a 2D translation transform object.
- CreateTranslateTransform3D
HRESULT CreateTranslateTransform3D(IDCompositionTranslateTransform3D* translateTransform3D)
Creates a 3D translation transform object.
- CreateVirtualSurface
HRESULT CreateVirtualSurface(UINT initialWidth, UINT initialHeight, DXGI_FORMAT pixelFormat, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode, IDCompositionVirtualSurface* virtualSurface)
Creates a DirectComposition virtual surface object
- CreateVisual
HRESULT CreateVisual(IDCompositionVisual* visual)
Creates a new visual object.
- GetFrameStatistics
Gets timing information about the composition engine.
- WaitForCommitCompletion
HRESULT WaitForCommitCompletion()
Waits for the last Commit to be processed by the composition engine
Serves as the root factory for all other DirectComposition objects and controls transactional composition.